Convention Schedule

Cons planned for 2024:

  1. MAGfest
  2. Katsucon
  3. AwesomeCon
  4. Zenkaikon
  5. Tidewater Comicon
  6. Momocon
  7. Sci-Fi ValleyCon
  8. Anime Expo
  9. Otakon
  10. BITE 7
  11. Superstar Anime Convention
  12. DragonCon
  13. CCE
  14. NekoCon
  15. Sci-Fi ValleyCon (Nov)
  16. Anime Weekend Atlanta
  17. Holiday Matsuri

Cons I'm in Artist Alley for 2024:

  • AwesomeCon 2024, Table M38
  • Sci-Fi ValleyCon (June) - Table R16
  • BITE 7 - Table TBA
  • Superstar Anime - Table TBA
  • Sci-Fi ValleyCon (Nov.) - Table R14
  • AWA - Table 636

Furthermore, when ordering things from me either here or from my Etsy shop, please let me know if you'll be at any of these cons as I can deliver your item(s) to you directly & cut out shipping costs, especially for art prints/sticker orders.

Lastly, below is a list of previous cons I've sold at with my frond Eren: